What is MAF Supplements and how dose it work.

Understanding the Importance of a Strong Immune System

Scientific research has demonstrated that a weakened immune system contributes to the progression of various diseases, including chronic diseases, autoimmune disorders, cancers, viral infections, inflammation, and neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism and ADHD. A weakened immune system contributes to the exacerbation and development of these conditions. This is because the intricate network of organs, stem cells, and the central nervous system relies on effective communication with the immune system to maintain homeostasis, functional harmony, inflammation free, and a disease-free state. When the immune system is compromised, its ability to coordinate these essential interactions is hindered, leaving the body more susceptible to disease progression and complication.

Furthermore, the impact of a weakened immune system extends to neurodevelopmental disorders. Research has shown immune dysregulation and microglia dysfunction and inflammation are the manifestation and exacerbation of developmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). These immunological disorders have a detrimental effect on the formation and function of neural circuits in the brain, causing them to malfunction.

 Microglia are specialized immune cells found in the central nervous system, They belong to the family of macrophages.

microglia play a crucial role in maintaining the health of the brain by being involved in tasks such as inflammation control, removal of foreign substances like pathogens, repairment of neural cells, repairment of the brain and the regulation of individual behavior and movement. Microglia carry out various functions within the brain and are essential contributors to the immune responses of the nervous system.

 Activation of Microglia by Dietary MAF Supplements

 Activation of microglia by dietary MAF supplements has shown beneficial effects for individuals with various psychological disorders including Autism, ADHD, Alzheimer's, dementia, headaches, migraines, depression, and multiple sclerosis. This activation enables microglia to normalize and regulate immunological conditions associated with these disorders through several mechanisms:

  1. Phagocytosis: Microglia clears cellular debris, pathogens, and damaged cells, thereby halting brain inflammation caused by pathogens.
  2. Cytokine production: Microglia release cytokines, signaling molecules that modulate the immune response.
  3. They can produce anti-inflammatory cytokines, which stops inflammation and promote tissue repair in the brain.
  4. Modulation of other immune cells: Microglia interacts with other immune cells such as T cells and macrophages, influencing the overall immune response in the brain.
  5. Neuroprotection: Microglia release proteins that support the survival of neurons and other brain cells, providing protection against damage and its progression.
  6. Neurotrophic factor release: Activated microglia release factors such as neurotrophic factors that support the growth and survival of neurons. These factors promote the proliferation of neural progenitor cells and enhance the survival of newly generated neurons, which is crucial for individuals with weak neuron connectivity in conditions like autism and ADHD.
  7. Removal of inhibitory molecules and debris: Microglia clear inhibitory molecules and debris from the environment surrounding injured neurons, creating a more favorable environment for neuronal growth and regeneration.
  8. Interaction with brain cells: Microglia interacts with astrocytes and other cells in the brain to coordinate neurodegenerative processes and facilitate the formation of new neural connections.
  9. Regulation of behavior and movement: Dysfunction of microglia in the brain is believed to contribute to symptoms observed in autism and ADHD, highlighting their role in regulating behavior and movement.

 Empowering the Body with MAF Supplements

 Our dietary MAF products empowers your body to aid in its natural healing processes. They are effective within 3 days for chronic fatigue and approximately 2 weeks to one month for various diseases and developmental disorders. 

Macrophages and Cancer

 Macrophages, known as "big eaters," reside in nearly all tissues in the human body. Macrophages that specifically target cancer cells are referred to as natural killer cells, which eliminate cancer cells by engulfing them. This natural process supports the body's ability to become cancer-free without the use of chemotherapy or other harmful medications. Our MAF supplements activate these macrophages instantly to combat cancer.

Diseases Treated by MAF Supplements

 Dietary MAF supplements are effective for treating diseases characterized by immune dysfunction or compromised immune systems, including:




Viral Infections

Urinary tract infection


Parkinson's disease




Rheumatoid arthritis


Kidney disease

Brain damage

Immune system damage

Athlete's foot



Crohn's disease


Chronic fatigue syndrome


Multiple sclerosis

Herpes Simplex virus (HSV)


Pneumonia infection

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)

Cystitis/urinary tract infection (UTI)


Selective IgA deficiency disorder

Influenza virus

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Human Papillomavirus (HPV)



Brain aging

Psychiatric disorders

Leaky gut syndrome

Myalgia Encephalomyelitis (ME)

Chronic pain


Dengue fever

For many of these conditions listed above, conventional medical approaches often rely on symptom management medications with long-term side effects. In contrast , MAF supplements offer a unique approach by addressing the root causes of these conditions, effectively treating and preventing their recurrence without causing harm. 

For example , in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, the overproduction of TNF-alpha disrupts synaptic communication in the brain. MAF- activated macrophages counteract TNF-alpha by occupying its receptors and improving blood flow in the brain.

Experience a natural and effective solution for autism, ADHD, and more, with MAF supplements.

Benefits of Dietary MAF Supplements

  1. Anti-angiogenesis: Stops the growth of blood vessels that nourish cancer tumors, cutting off their blood supply and causing them to shrink.
  2. Immune activation: Activates macrophages to engulf foreign invaders and eliminate cancer cells through phagocytosis.
  3. Induction of apoptosis: Causes cancer cells to undergo programmed cell death.
  4. Anti-metastatic effects: Prevents cancer cells from spreading to other parts of the body.
  5. Enhanced neuronal activity: MAF supplements improve human neuronal metabolic activity through cAMP signaling, which is crucial for learning, memory, and mood regulation. This breakthrough is particularly significant for autism, ADHD, and other neurodegenerative diseases. Unlike conventional drugs prescribed in clinics and hospitals that primarily control symptoms without addressing underlying causes, MAF supplements target and eliminate the root causes of these conditions by improving human neuronal metabolic activity through cAMP signaling which is crucial for learning, memory, and mood regulation.
  6. Microglia activation: Activates microglia in the brain and spinal cord to remove damaged cells and infectious agents.
  7. Brain protection: Strengthens the blood-brain barrier and protects the brain by enhancing microglial function.
  8. Neuroinflammation control: Malfunctioning microglia are implicated in neuroinflammation and various central nervous system diseases; activation of microglia is crucial for maintaining a healthy central nervous system.
  9. Neuroplasticity: Promotes the formation of dendrites and neurites, aiding in brain signal transmission and beneficial for individuals with developmental delays like autism.
  10. Neurogenesis: Supports the growth of new neurons in the brain, aiding in brain repair.
  11. Chemotherapy support: Repairs damage caused by chemotherapy and alleviates neuropathic pain resulting from treatment.
  12. Oxidative stress management: Addresses oxidative stress common in neurodegenerative diseases and autism.
  13. Heavy metal detoxification: Removes heavy metals from the brain and body.
  14. Anti-HER2 activity: Suppresses HER2, a protein associated with promoting breast cancer.
  15. Energy enhancement: Increases cellular energy production, effectively treating chronic fatigue syndrome in a short period.
  16. Bone health: Activates osteoclasts for bone repair and healing.
  17. Pain relief: Alleviates chronic pain.
  18. Cancer prevention: Helps prevent cancer cell proliferation.
  19. Anti-aging: Slows cellular aging by lengthening telomeres, essential for cell health and longevity.
  20. Cosmetic benefits: Reverses grey hair and promotes hair growth.
  21. Wound healing: Supports wound healing and recovery from surgeries like hip replacements.
  22. Immune system regeneration: Regenerates lymphocytes and new skin cells.
  23. Longevity support: Promotes longevity through immune system enhancement.

 Our MAF supplements is produced using a patented formula developed by bio scientists and doctors in collaboration with researchers from seven prestigious medical universities in Japan. Scientifically proven and supported by evidence, our products are derived from cow’s milk whey and have undergone rigorous clinical trials to demonstrate their efficacy.

How Do We Know  MAF Works?

Users often report noticeable improvements in well-being within the first two weeks of taking MAF supplements. To monitor the effectiveness of the treatment, regular blood tests can reveal enhancements in monocyte counts. Additionally, a Nagalase test before and after treatment can demonstrate the recovery and strengthening of your immune system.